Athena X Naylor (she/her)
Shhhhhhh!!!!! (Shh!)Part: AltoHometown: Pasadena, CAYear: Class of 2027Major: C E G D (add9)Athena appreciates the little things in life… like this bio!
Emily Mannion (she/her)
Music DirectorPart: AltoHometown: San Carlos, CAYear: Class of 2027Major? I barely even know her!Emily is such a great procrastinator, it took her 23 weeks to write this bio. In the time she wasn’t writing this bio, she was focused on barbershop, trumpet, and finding hidden Mickeys. ºoº
Jack Cowan (he/him)
Business ManagerPart: TenorHometown: Rome, GAYear: Class of 2027Major: PsychEmily’s right above me, isn’t she?
Sawyer Lai (she/her)
Financial OfficerPart: Sop!Hometown: Los Altos, CAYear: Class of 2027Major: EE, LinguisticsSawyer’s #1 talent is that she can nap anywhere and anytime. In her free time, she enjoys eating waffle fries at TAP, drinking absurd amounts of coffee, and benching 225.
Katherine Li (she/her)
Part: AltoHometown: Bellevue, WAYear: Class of 2026Major: 01000011 01010011Shopping list: egg, powdered sugar, butter, some sort of future, juice + zest
Garrett Khatchaturian (he/him)
Part: BassHometown: Los Angeles, CAYear: Class of 2028Major: Econ/American StudiesFirm believer that Venmo is a social app
Rose Horan (she/her)
Part: AltoHometown: Bellingham, WAYear: Class of 2025Major: HumbioRose is super cool beans and spends her weekends fly fishing and trying to charge her 20011 ipod touch
Maryam Tsegaye (she/her)
Part: SopranoHometown: Fort McMurray, AB, CanadaYear: Class of 2025Major: Symbolic SystemsThis is a photo of Maryam when she was seen escaping Lathrop after getting lost and mistaking the 24-hour study space for a library. She must be returned to the Special Collections, under Call No. PR6035 .U63 Z6913. She is on hold until 4/8/2024. If you would like to place a hold, please enter your SUID below. Please contact maryam-sightings@fleetstreet.com if found outside Green Library.
Kailen Goldman (he/him)
Part: TenorHometown: Seattle, WAYear: Class of 2028Major: aero/astro?very interesting bio (wip)
Michael Cho (he/him)
Part: BassHometown: Seoul, South KoreaYear: Class of 2025Major: Mathemagics0-0
Jessica Wagner (she/her)
Part: AltoHometown: San Carlos, CAYear: Class of 2027Major: BioEngineeringJessie is much more a lifestyle than a being. To follow Jessie, one must never lose the last puzzle piece, eat cheezits two (2!) at a time, and FEAR the spiders. True followers will see that life “feels like a party eVeRy dAy!
Zadie Schaffer (she/her)
Part: SopranoHometown: Portland, ORYear: Class of 2025Major: Humbio + PsychHas the busiest social schedule but eats most meals with the same two people, can squat with her dad on her back, and has been known to enjoy a Trader Joe’s Unexpected Cheddar cheese.
Caleb Benz (he/him)
Part: AltoHometown: Middlebury, VTYear: Class of 2026Major: UndeclaredNot to be confused with Mercedes-Benz, Caleb is, quite literally, an old soul. Having taken two gap years between high school and college, the ancient soph has frequently been mistaken for a Stanford Bookstore employee. And despite the saying that with age comes wisdom, for Caleb, age comes alone. When he’s not goofing off in Fleet Street, Caleb loves planespotting, trivia, photography, and calling games for Stanford Athletics on KZSU Stanford 90.1 FM.
Zoe Ehrlich (she/her)
Part: SopranoHometown: Austin, TXYear: Class of 2026Major: TAPS (no, that is not tap dancing. Sorry to disappoint)It took Zoe a very long time to grow this moustache. Unfortunately, she had to shave it off, as critics deemed it too detrimental to her illustrious singing career.
Jacob Bowers (he/him)
Part: BassHometown: Burbank, CAYear: Class of 2028Major: Computer Science?Jacob is— woah, how’d you get upside down? Flip back over!!! Hellooooooo? Oh well, I guess he’s stuck up there!
Akshar Sarvesh (he/him)
Part: Computer ScienceHometown: Saratoga, CaliforniaYear: Class of 2025Major: BassUnfortunately, the only image we were able to obtain of Akshar before his untimely demise was this one. Unfortunately, it is also a picture of his untimely demise. It’s as the old saying goes: "where comes melodious locution, there goes rapid electrocution".
Sawzy (she/her)
Part: Web PenguinHometown: Gates BasementYear: Class of 2027Major: ProcrastinationA picture of yours truly, captured shortly after I finally finished making this website.